Writing this feels like a long time coming, not sure why it took me so long to get here, but I guess I needed to know for sure. The one thing I have been driven to do is help other parents who have children suffering with the same condition my son had, but I have not been able to break through and accomplish this, instead I seem to be helping other people with their own medical conditions.
For those of you who don't know, my son Kieran (now 10 years old) suffered from a condition for over 2 years. For the few months, we thought it was a virus that he had not dealt with and so I kept on treating him with natural therapies and they worked well and I was so pleased we did not have to use anything conventional. As time went on, into more than a year of fevers, mouth ulcers, joint pains and emotional roller coaster tantrums I realized this was not a virus, this was something more. I kept an open mind and went to every medical doctor I could to get answers. We were referred from one doctor to the next, we had overnignt stays at Adventist Hospital and a team doctors would come back to me bewildered. I put faith in the medical system because I felt I had no other option at this point. 

I was grateful that I had just resigned from my full time teaching job, there was no way I could invest the time I did to research, take him to appointments, run around for tests we did without having time on my side. Ross (my husband) was working and I was fighting with our health insurance to get the proper tests we needed to receive answers. I spent more time on the phone dealing with this situation, than I have in the last 10 years.
Kieran suffered, we suffered, our family was torn apart on weekends because one of the adults had to stay home with him. His fevers would run for a week in the beginning and his moods and lack of energy would keep him from wanting to join any activities. He lost his circle of friends, they stopped calling. He lost confidence at school and did not understand what was happening at school as he was missing so many lessons. Nothing was making any sense to him. And well, his emotional tantrums, those were a pile of fun. The number of family vacations that kept me trapped in a hotel room treating his symptoms are all things I am grateful not to have to attend to on a regular basis now.
On one of the nights I was researching, I came across a facebook group of parents who had children with the same symptoms and low and behold I discovered a name for this very syndrome. Finally, I knew what I was dealing with. I had a son with Periodic Fever Syndrome and I was to discover that there are not many doctors that have even heard of it, let alone know how to deal with it. It was still a BINGO win ! It was time to find someone who did and who could help me with the genetic testing.
I was advised that there was no known cure for his condition, but that there were medical drugs I could use to stop the fevers asap; however the side effects of these drugs meant that he could potentially go blind. My answer was 'NO' in a matter of seconds. I always tell my students, when someone tells you there is no other solution, do not accept that as your answer, as there is always another option. I stuck to my own words and decided I would go back to leaning on my research.
The facebook groups for Periodic Fever Syndrome helped me to get him on the road to healing. We implemented cherry tart enzymes, vit d3/k2 and vitamin c. It helped, but there were not the ultimate fix. I later added zinc drops for his immune system after speaking to a friend and I noticed the fevers started to appear with a longer duration between them and for a shorter duration. Instead of a week, he would recover in 3 days. But something was still missing.
When my mother was diagnosed with cancer, I started to use Young Living products on her and the blend Aroma Siez was the only thing that helped ease her pain. I was grateful for their products and knew that there was something special about their quality, I pushed aside any negative comments to trust what I experienced, I decided to become a regular user of their products and even bought the supplement Ningxia red. I had some sachets on hand and put them in the freezer for Kieran to enjoy sucking on to cool down his temperatures and he grew to enjoy them and so this became a part of his daily routine. This is when I noticed that months had gone by and for the first time in 2 years, he had not had his monthly fever. At this point, I could actually tell you the day the fever would trigger, but that day just came and went and he was returning back to his old self.
I was recording his daily food intake, supplements and realized that ningxia red was supporting him in the way he needed. Although, he is no longer having it daily, if too much time goes on without taking it, the first thing that will appear is a mouth ulcer and this is our window of opportunity to know we need to get on top it and the first thing we reach for is ningxia red. There is an immediate change in his physiological and psychological state after consumption. It really is our miracle.
We are on our third year of recovery and Kieran is just like any other kid, but he does need to supplement; this is not negotiable. He has his energy and zest for life back. I could not be more grateful to circumstances that revealed themselves to us to know what he needed. It saved him and our family. We aim for at least 3 shot glasses a week for his immune maintenance.
Please do get in touch with us as we have access to a discount code for you to use, before placing your order. Let';s get you what you need at the best price.
and here is why I JUMPED IN (part 2)

The winter season can be tough on the immune system. Colder temperatures and shorter days can make it difficult for our bodies to stay healthy and fight off infection. One of the main reasons why our immune systems are weaker during the winter is due to a decrease in vitamin D levels. Vitamin D plays an important role in maintaining a strong immune system.
One way to get your daily dose of Vitamin D, is through food sources including fatty fish like salmon and mackerel, egg yolks, and mushrooms. However, during this time of the year, taking a daily dose of 5000 IU helps to prevent vitamin D deficiency and maintain optimal levels of the vitamin in your body. Fortunately, we have access to Super Vitamin D which is an especially important supplement at the moment to add to your daily regime this season.

Vitamin C is an important nutrient for supporting the body’s immune response, so include lots of citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits and lemons in your diet. Vitamin C-rich vegetables like bell peppers, broccoli and kale are also great additions to meals. Most likely you will be not getting enough from foods during this season; however you can supplement with a natural Vitamin C complex. Super C's chewable form for kids and tablet form for adults tends to work well in our home.
Young Living also offers a variety of other supplements that can help support your immune system throughout the winter season. For example, NingXia Red is packed with powerful antioxidants and nutrients like wolfberry, aronia berries, blueberries, grape seed extract, and other superfruits. It helps boost overall energy levels and supports your body’s natural defenses. 

Thieves® Vitality Essential Oil blend is another great way to keep your immune system functioning optimally. The blend contains five powerful essential oils—Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary—which all have natural antibacterial and antiviral properties. Taking a drop of Thieves in a veggie capsule each day has been known to help strengthen the body’s natural defense system. Kids love it when you roll it on their feet, you can make an immune roll on by diluting 15-20 drops with carrier oil.
In addition, Inner Defense™ capsules are a great way to support your immune system during the winter season. These dietary supplement capsules contain oregano oil and Thieves Essential Oil blend as well as other powerful ingredients like thyme oil, clove bud oil, and lavender oil. The combination of essential oils in Inner Defense™ helps to strengthen cells and provide a potent defense against environmental and seasonal threats. Together, these essential oils have been known to support healthy immune response and provide antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties. Be sure to keep these on hand, so that when you start to feel run down you can address it ASAP.

If you’re looking for a more culinary approach to enhancing your wintertime immunity, there are several foods that can help strengthen the body’s natural defenses. Eating garlic is an effective way to boost your immune system and fight off colds and flu. It contains a powerful antioxidant called allicin, which is responsible for its immunity boosting properties. Onions are also an excellent choice as they contain quercetin, an antioxidant that can reduce inflammation in the body. Other immunity boosting foods include ginger, turmeric, oranges, blueberries, pumpkin seeds, and almonds. These foods are all packed with vitamins and minerals that support the immune system and contain antiviral or antibacterial properties to help fight off winter illnesses. Eating a variety of these foods throughout the winter months can be an effective way to boost your body’s immunity and keep you healthy.
Additionally, make sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and herbal teas. Water helps flush out toxins from the body, while herbal teas can soothe a sore throat and provide additional nutrients that help strengthen the immune system. Finally, reduce your intake of processed foods – as these don’t offer any health benefits and may actually weaken your immune system.
Taking care of your body should be a year-round priority, but it’s especially important to boost your immune system before winter comes. Thankfully, there are foods and recommended supplements that can give your immunity the extra edge it needs. Now is the time to start stocking up on these items so you’ll be prepared for whatever cold and flu season throws your way. And remember, we’re here to help you every step of the way. If you have any questions about how to best take care of yourself this winter, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We want nothing more than for you to stay healthy and happy all season long!