The holiday season is a time for family, friends, and celebrations. But for many people, it's also a time of anxiety and stress. If you're feeling anxious during the holidays, know that you're not alone. Here are some tips to help you cope.

1. Understand that your anxiety is normal and there are others who feel the same way
2. Don't try to force yourself into enjoying the holidays - take a break if you need to
3. Create a holiday budget and stick to it to avoid overspending and financial stress
4. Make a list of things you're thankful for to help shift your focus from negative to positive
5. Plan ahead by preparing meals in advance, wrapping gifts early, and booking travel well in advance
6. Reach out to friends and family members for support if you're feeling overwhelmed

Understand that your anxiety is normal and there are others who feel the same way

Everyone experiences the feeling of anxiety at some point in their lives, so know that if you're feeling anxious, it's completely normal. It can be extremely difficult to think about or face the things that make us anxious, but don't ever feel embarrassed or ashamed – there are many other people who are right there with you. Building a community and having people around who understand your feelings can be a great source of comfort and strength. Even though it's impossible to get rid of all of our anxieties, we can create supportive networks that help us manage them better. Trust yourself and trust others, and you will find that you have nothing to fear.

Don't try to force yourself into enjoying the holidays - take a break if you need to

It's understandable to want to make the most out of the holidays and join in on the festivities, but don't forget the importance of taking time for yourself. Life can often be overwhelming and stressful, so if you need a break from all of these obligations, give yourself permission to take one! Remind yourself that it’s ok not to be carefree and joyous during this time - people have no singular experience with these special days. No matter how you move through this season, prioritize what will bring you comfort instead of feeling obligated. Do something small that makes you happy today and make sure to give your mental health priority throughout the holidays.

Create a holiday budget and stick to it to avoid overspending and financial stress

Holidays can be an exciting and joyous time of the year, but they often come with additional expenses that can cause financial stress. To help ensure you and your family have a happy holiday season, it is important to create a holiday budget and stick to it! Doing so can help reduce or prevent overspending. Before heading out on your shopping or entertaining adventures, review what you intend to spend and make sure it fits into your budget plan. This simple step may take some discipline and thought ahead of time, but will pay off in the long run - allowing you to savor the season without worrying about digging yourself out of holiday debt.

Make a list of things you're thankful for to help shift your focus from negative to positive

It can be hard to look on the bright side in life, especially when things don’t go as planned or hardships arise. During those trying times it may seem like there isn’t much to be grateful for, but that isn’t necessarily true. Taking some time each day to focus on the good things you have in your life can help to shift your outlook from negative to positive and help you recognize the blessings that exist all around us. Making a list of things you're thankful for is a great way to remind yourself of those gifts and stay focused on the positive things life has to offer. Take a few moments today to really reflect on all that you are thankful for and see how it helps bring a little sunshine into your day.

Plan ahead by preparing meals in advance, wrapping gifts early, and booking travel well in advance

Preparing for the holidays doesn't have to be a stressful experience. With a few proactive steps, you can make sure that you aren't scrambling when the big day arrives. Start by making delicious meals ahead of time and freezing them until they are ready to eat - this way you won't have to worry about what dishes to cook at the last minute and can instead focus on enjoying quality time with family or friends. You'll also save time by wrapping presents early so that you don't have to scramble around trying to find that perfect gift right before giving it away. When it comes to holiday travel, life is much easier if you book flights and other forms of transportation weeks in advance, since prices tend to go up as time gets closer! All in all, if you take advantage of preparing ahead of time, you will be more relaxed and able to enjoy your holiday season.

Reach out to friends and family members for support if you're feeling overwhelmed

It's understandable to feel overwhelmed by life from time to time. Everyone experiences struggles, and being able to reach out for help is a crucial coping skill. If you're feeling like the world is too much for you to handle, remember that there are many loved ones who are here for you. Whether it be your parents, siblings, cousins, friends, or significant others; having supportive people in your corner can help lift a huge emotional burden off of your chest. Lean on those who care about you and trust that they will provide emotional understanding and love that can get you through difficult times.

The holidays can be a joyous but anxious time for many people. If you're feeling anxious about the holiday season, know that you're not alone and that there are steps you can take to ease your anxiety. From creating a budget to focusing on things you're grateful for, there are plenty of ways to manage your holiday stress. And don't forget about essential oils! When used correctly, essential oils can be a powerful tool for managing anxiety. Keep these blends handy for the diffuser or topical applications: Christmas Spirit, Evergreen Essence, Peace and Calming, Stress Away, Valor, Grounding, Surrender, White Angelica. It does not take long to feel the shift.

What are you going to Focus on in 2021?

What are you going to Focus on in 2021?
I think almost all of us can say that 2020 literally transformed some aspect of our life. It has certainly affected travel, time with extended family, work-life, participation in events, and for many has had a real dynamical change for the immediate family.

Our lives have changed and we will either come out of this embracing what we still have in gratitude or finding ourselves having to rediscover a new world. Life has taught me that no matter what comes my way, I will focus on the present with gratitude. I guess I can be grateful that life taught me early on that we can not change the past and worrying about the future struggles to bring true abundance when we can not be truly present in the moment of here and now.

When our family of 4 had to surprisingly cancel our Easter Ski Holiday, we knew that things were going to be uniquely different for the rest of the 2020 Year. I remember the agent on the telephone responding to me like I was crazy when I suggested that there may be a possibility of Whistler Mountain closing. "That will NEVER happen." 

There is so much unknown about what 2021 will bring, but I know that I will focus on each day at hand. The old saying "take one day at a time" really is wise. What I do know is that through all of this, I have trusted my immune system to give me the strength to remain healthy and mentally grounded. Your body is capable of so much when you nourish it. 

If you have not already used 2020 as an opportunity to:

find a passion to enhance your life, find one.

find a physical activity to keep fit, find one.

find a tool to help release stress, find one

find joy in eating something healthier, find one.

find out what your body needs to work better, find one.

find a new author to add to your repertoire, find one.

bond with a friend you connect with on all levels, find one.

volunteer your time somewhere, find one.

do something that will benefit this planet, find one.

try something that you have said, "I CAN'T do this" and say YES.

Wishing you and yours a Happy and Healthy Holiday and NEW YEAR. Make 2021 better because the magic is in YOU.

Gift Health this Holiday

Gift Health this Holiday
Healthy Holiday Gift Ideas